GDL.Digital is located in North America with 25 years experience specializing in domain management, DNS and ADNS management, web-hosting, SSL, web-design, web-development, website maintenance, website management, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Skilled in graphic design and video production.
GDL works with different hosting and domain registrars (i.e., Network Solutions, Godaddy, Yahoo, and DotGov).
Web development is focused on responsive web and WordPress including WooCommerce and website security. SEO is implemented at start of development.
GDL can work with any budget for startups of new sites or redesign and manage active sites. In the planning phase a needs analysis is conducted to define the best approach and streamline the workflow. Training is also available to assist you with the ability to administer and maintain your site content.
The following examples of work are sites GDL designed, developed, and still manages to this day. Each site targets a different audience in a unique way.
Examples of our work:
Physician’s Resource for Medical Equipment, Inc.
The Law Offices of Debra Ann Bolus
Call Today: (272) 268-1673